প্রকাশিত: ১২/০৮/২০১৮ ৭:৪৮ এএম , আপডেট: ১৬/০৮/২০১৮ ১১:৩১ পিএম

The UNHCR Representation in Bangladesh



UNHCR Bangladesh invites applications from qualified candidates for the following position:

Title of the Post : Cash Based Intervention/ Data Management Associate
Location : UNHCR Sub Office, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
Number of vacancies : 1
Duration : Initially for a period of 3 months (extendable)
Date of Entry on Duty : as soon as possible
Category and Level : UNOPS, LICA-6
Closing Date : 26 August 2018

Organizational context:

For years, UNHCR has had presence in the two main camps neighbouring Cox’s Bazar – Nayapara and Kutapalong – housing approximately 33,500 individuals. Since 25 August 2017, over 850,000 Rohingya have fled into Bangladesh from Rakhine state in Myanmar. With this influx, the existing camps have expended with numerous spontaneous settlements have developed in the surrounding areas. An estimated 80 per cent of the Rohingya population in Cox’s Bazar refugee settlements relies on life-saving assistance. Despite relatively high levels of in-kind goods and services, the population is unable to cover their full range of basic needs; refugees have no work rights and therefore no regular income, which directly affects their capacity to cover the portion of basic needs not provided to them in-kind.

In support of this, between April and May 2018 UNHCR piloted the delivery of unconditional, unrestricted Multipurpose Cash Grants (MPGs) (“unrestricted cash”) for basic needs; also called Phase I of UNHCR’s Cash-Based Intervention (CBI) programme in Bangladesh. Deliver was blanket, covering all residents in Camps 5 and 6 in Kutupalong. The MPG provided approximately half of the monthly Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) equivalent for a family of 5. The results of the Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) of this pilot intervention show that unconditional MPGs played a critical role in meeting a portion of basic needs of refugees currently unmet through in-kind assistance.

For the second phase of its CBI (running in the latter half of 2018 with extension to 2019), UNHCR will now aim to:

  • Provide refugees with specific needs in camps locations, as well as host communities with MPGs to cover part of their basic needs requirements, other than food (such as shelter materials, medicine, clothes, basic households assets, soap, hygiene kits, etc.), for a total combined target of up to 40 000 HHs
  • Further expand MPGs support to additional specific needs categories, based upon a rigorous evidence-base drawing from UNHCR IM-led assessments and assessment work conducted by other actors like WFP
  • Explore the deployment of emergency cash grants for emergency response or for emergency relocations
  • Toward the end of 2018, pilot the launch of a project for shelter upgrades

For the implementation of the activities mentioned above, UNHCR has established a CBI unit in the Cox’s Bazar field office. The unit is headed by an International Sr. CBI Officer and two national team members; an Assistant CBI Officer and a CBI Associate. The unit provides necessary support for the day-to-day implementation of CBI activities both in camps and outside camps locations.

With an anticipated growing portfolio of CBI activities to be implemented within UNHCR’s programme, the CBI team now needs to acquire the necessary capacity in data management and data sourcing, mostly related to the management of IT tools for case management and CBI delivery.

For the delivery of its mandate, UNHCR developed an IT case management tool called Profile Global Registration System (proGres). The proGres tool provides a common source of information about individuals that is used by different work units to facilitate the protection of persons of concern to the organization. ProGres is the main repository in UNHCR for storing individuals’ data. UNHCR has also developed additional IT tools which are complementary to proGres, such as:

  • BIMS – Biometric Identity Management System – captures biometrics
  • CashAssist enables registered refugees to receive cash assistance
  • GDT – Global Distribution Tool – allows registered refugees to receive in-kind assistance as well as cash support

For selected programmes (like the liquid gas supply programme for Cox’s Bazar) UNHCR might make use of software or hardware solutions from other agencies.

The CBI/Data Management Associate will be responsible for the management of data collection and reporting activities in field operations in support to CBIs, which will mostly entail feeding into and extracting data from the software solutions indicated above. S/ he will also support the deployment of the relevant hardware solutions, as required. To this end, the incumbent will liaise with and receive support from the relevant Officers in Cox’s Bazar, including the Registration and Information Management units.



  • Support the deployment of hardware and software solutions for UNHCR tools like GDT or CashAssist in support of CBI operations including but not limited to MPGs for specific needs and emergency cash grants
  • Support the deployment of tools for the recording of CBI assistance from other actors including but not limited to members of the Cash Working Group via KOBO or other platforms
  • Support the reception, organization and regular exchange of data from UNHCR Cash for Work (CfW) operations from UNHCR partners and other actors
  • Support the reception of data from WFP’s SCOPE platform in support to the LPG project as well in support of wider UNHCR CBI activities


  • Support the use, maintenance and technical support of databases used in CBI operations including planning and overseeing of data extraction and recording, input and verifications; production of standard and ad hoc reports as required for all of UNHCR CBI operations, including CfW and MPGs
  • Liaise with technical units (e.g. Registration, IM) to support the deployment of hardware and software solutions like GDT, CashAssist and KOBO
  • Support the analysis and response to report requests from UNHCR staff, local governments, partners, donors and Headquarters as related to CBI operations in Bangladesh
  • Facilitate and/ or undertake additional data collection activities in support tot UNHCR CBIs, including planning and coordinating data collection methodologies and analysis with relevant staff of other offices in the country
  • On behalf of UNHCR CBI in Cox’s Bazar, be responsible for interacting with the registration (proGres) database focal points within the Registration Unit, for data input and reporting and in close collaboration with other officers (protection, registration, community services, etc.)
  • Assist in training of UNHCR staff as well as staff members of UNHCR partners in relevant aspects of data management
  • Assist in developing new data collection and data analysis tools for CBIs for Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) exercises and others, as needed, including efficient data capturing forms
  • Create and maintain databases and spreadsheets that meet operational requirements
  • Archive and backup database systems for CBIs; ensure security of databases; perform database administrator functions
  • Assist in compiling and calculating statistics for delivered CBI support in Cox’s Bazar
  • Assist all units in the creation, design and maintenance of database and spreadsheets that meet operational requirements
  • Perform other related duties as required.


  • Provide technical support on overall strategy, design, implementation and reporting on CBIs, with specific focus on activities related to hosting communities
  • Make judgments on the quality of project proposals coming from implementing partners
  • Represent CBI unit in relevant internal UNHCR meetings related to CBIs and selected external ones

Qualifications Required:

  • Undergraduate degree (equivalent of a BA/BS) in Economics, Social Sciences or related field.
  • Minimum three (3) years of previous job experience relevant to the function (advanced University degree and/ or Master’s degree may be considered towards work experience)
  • Good knowledge of the English language – spoken and written
  • Knowledge of local language and local institutions, with specific focus on those responsible for Government of Bangladesh Social Safety Net programmes
  • Strong judgement and decision making skills; cultural sensitivity
  • Technological awareness – please make it clear which technological platforms you know and which you are expert at
  • Planning and organization; time management
  • Stakeholder management; team player

Desirable qualifications & competencies:

  • Field experience
  • Knowledge of UNHCR programmes and activities
  • Knowledge of assessment and targeting for populations of concern
  • Technical GIS knowledge

Submission of application:

Interested candidates meeting the above requirements are requested to submit their applications with complete Personal History Form and Supplementary Pages via online UNHCR Bangladesh Job Portal www.unhcr.io/jobs.

Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit for an interview and written test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applications will be accepted.

UNHCR is an equal opportunity employer and does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training or any other fees).

Deadline for submission of application: 26 August 2018.

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