প্রকাশিত: ৩০/১২/২০১৭ ৮:১৭ এএম , আপডেট: ১৭/০৮/২০১৮ ৮:৪৬ এএম

Security and Safety Manager
Handicap International (Bangladesh Country Office)
এই কোম্পানির অন্যান্য সব চাকরি
খালি পদের সংখ্যা

চাকরির প্রাসঙ্গিক বর্ণনা
Under the line management of the Field Coordinator, the Security and Safety Manager will be responsible for the proper implementation and effective monitoring of all the HI security and safety procedures, including the reporting and context analysis.
*We are hiring staff on an urgent basis, please apply if you can start your work within 4-5 days notice*
Duration of the Contract: 1 year from the date of joining
চাকরির বিবরণ / দায়িত্বসমূহ
Ensure regular follow-up, collect analysis on Bangladesh and Cox’s Bazar context in general and share the report with Field Coordinator (FC), Country Director (CD) and other relevant staff through regular reporting
Attend regular and ad-hoc meetings with external agencies about context and keep the FC updated.
Continually monitor the situation in the camps and villages where the team works and propose plans to the FC to reduce risks for the team as needed.
Conduct regular Acceptance Analysis of operations and Provide advice on program development and implementation in link with contextual and safety analysis
Propose updates to the risk analysis for each area of operation on a regular basis and conduct continuous and dynamic risk assessment in close link with the FC.
Support the FC in the organisation of assessments or visits for all proposed new areas/institutions of intervention.
Ensure Guards are conducting duties according to the agreement with G4S and in line with HI Standard Operating Procedure ( SOPs)
Talk regularly with guards about incidents, observations, possible improvements of the compound
Ensure all registers are completed properly and the NO GUN policy strictly respected
Ensure drivers are on time and able to work safely (no drug, no alcohol, no tiredness…)
Ensure office, warehouse doors are secured, locked during non-working hours and the keys are with the right person
Ensure the tracking of movements is done properly, if not report it to the Log Manager
Check Hibernation resources (location, dates, storage …), update the list accordingly and send it to the FC and Log manager
Check the Guest House and office security conditions (hygiene, maintenance, windows …)
Monitor the building and makes sure that all the security measures are in place, if not report it to the FC and Log Manager for repair or maintenance (Including fire extinguishers, first aid kits…)
Assess regularly the risks at camps and hospitals we work and provide recommendations for the team to work in full safety
Ensure the respect of Fleet Management rules according to security rules applicable to vehicle movements, and that the related tools are properly used (Movement Plan, Log Books) in close link with the log manager.
Ensure that the security plan measures are known and strictly implemented. If it is not the case, to report to the FC who will take the lead with the SSM on appropriate action plan.
Ensuring the necessary security systems are in place for all duty stations through regular visits to all work locations.
Engage managers and staff at all levels to facilitate the adoption and compliance with HI Safety and Security Policy and Standards
Promote the concept that safety and security plans and guidelines should be jointly developed by the whole team to create ownership and encourage compliance.
Enforces security strategies, rules and procedures, and maintains appropriate security behaviour among staff members.
Ensures that all security incidents are reported and analysed in a timely manner and submitted to FC and written reports sent to CD and Security Advisor in HQ.
Monitors if staff are following security rules and respond and/or report accordingly, as appropriate.
Provides internal safety and security training to staff members on the SOPs within the Security plan and supporting issues
Deliver a presentation on agreed security subject with FC, maybe 1 per semester
Provide safety security management advice, guidance and support to Programme Teams.
Provides briefings to staff members about personal health, stress, and preparation for the field as needed.
Carries out security induction and briefing for new staff and on arrival briefings for visiting HI staff on the general context with regards to the security situation and the procedures to be followed.
Develop reliable information networks to gather information from various sources and triangulate this information into actionable points for program teams.
Establish relationships with the key Non-Government bodies and institutions, at national, governorate and district level and represent HI at relevant coordination forums, clusters, and working groups.
Facilitates acceptance of HI image by communities and local stakeholders through establishing relationships and promoting linkages between communities, project stakeholders and HI project staff.
Meet regularly with INGO security representative (Solidarity FC)
Participate to the log cluster, Radio communication sub cluster and write short minutes with main updates on situation for the FC and log manager.
Ensure good internal communications and the effective circulation of Security and Safety information between the different team members
Implements an effective communications system to keep the teams informed about contextual, security and access related information that may have an impact on project implementation.
Respect beneficiary, volunteers, partners, stakeholders confidentiality
Respect and promote HI’s Policies and report to your line manager any non-respect of HI’s policies amongst the teams or partners.
Report any incident or act that causes any harm to beneficiary or to others.
Respect each team member’s positions, work, and specialty
As the position of Security Safety Manager is involved in sensitive topics on safety, he/she must be very discrete when speaking with the people; inside or outside HI office. All documents and analyses produced by the SSM shall remain the property of HI and the SSM is bind by the clause of confidentiality. Non-respect of this clause might have sanctions as a result.
Participate to the log cluster, Radio communication sub cluster and write short minutes with main updates on situation for the FC and log manager.
Ensure good internal communications and the effective circulation of Security and Safety information between the different team members
Implements an effective communications system to keep the teams informed about contextual, security and access related information that may have an impact on project implementation.
Respect beneficiary, volunteers, partners, stakeholders confidentiality
Respect and promote HI’s Policies and report to your line manager any non-respect of HI’s policies amongst the teams or partners.
Report any incident or act that causes any harm to beneficiary or to others.
Respect each team member’s positions, work, and specialty
As the position of Security Safety Manager is involved in sensitive topics on safety, he/she must be very discrete when speaking with the people; inside or outside HI office. All documents and analyses produced by the SSM shall remain the property of HI and the SSM is bind by the clause of confidentiality. Non-respect of this clause might have sanctions as a result.
Participate to the log cluster, Radio communication sub cluster and write short minutes with main updates on situation for the FC and log manager.
Ensure good internal communications and the effective circulation of Security and Safety information between the different team members
Implements an effective communications system to keep the teams informed about contextual, security and access related information that may have an impact on project implementation.
Respect beneficiary, volunteers, partners, stakeholders confidentiality
Respect and promote HI’s Policies and report to your line manager any non-respect of HI’s policies amongst the teams or partners.
Report any incident or act that causes any harm to beneficiary or to others.
Respect each team member’s positions, work, and specialty
As the position of Security Safety Manager is involved in sensitive topics on safety, he/she must be very discrete when speaking with the people; inside or outside HI office. All documents and analyses produced by the SSM shall remain the property of HI and the SSM is bind by the clause of confidentiality. Non-respect of this clause might have sanctions as a result.
Participate to the log cluster, Radio communication sub cluster and write short minutes with main updates on situation for the FC and log manager.
Ensure good internal communications and the effective circulation of Security and Safety information between the different team members
Implements an effective communications system to keep the teams informed about contextual, security and access related information that may have an impact on project implementation.
Respect beneficiary, volunteers, partners, stakeholders confidentiality
Respect and promote HI’s Policies and report to your line manager any non-respect of HI’s policies amongst the teams or partners.
Report any incident or act that causes any harm to beneficiary or to others.
Respect each team member’s positions, work, and specialty
As the position of Security Safety Manager is involved in sensitive topics on safety, he/she must be very discrete when speaking with the people; inside or outside HI office. All documents and analyses produced by the SSM shall remain the property of HI and the SSM is bind by the clause of confidentiality. Non-respect of this clause might have sanctions as a result.
Participate to the log cluster, Radio communication sub cluster and write short minutes with main updates on situation for the FC and log manager.
Ensure good internal communications and the effective circulation of Security and Safety information between the different team members
Implements an effective communications system to keep the teams informed about contextual, security and access related information that may have an impact on project implementation.
Professional Responsibilities
Respect beneficiary, volunteers, partners, stakeholders confidentiality
Respect and promote HI’s Policies and report to your line manager any non-respect of HI’s policies amongst the teams or partners.
Report any incident or act that causes any harm to beneficiary or to others.
Respect each team member’s positions, work, and specialty
As the position of Security Safety Manager is involved in sensitive topics on safety, he/she must be very discrete when speaking with the people; inside or outside HI office. All documents and analyses produced by the SSM shall remain the property of HI and the SSM is bind by the clause of confidentiality. Non-respect of this clause might have sanctions as a result.
Note that this job description must remain flexible, to respond to additional tasks or changes as identified by the line manager.
চাকরির ধরন
ফুল টাইম

শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা
Diploma or Bachelor degree in Management, Logistics or coordination of projects
২ থেকে ৩ বছর
অন্যান্য যোগ্যতা
বয়স ১৮ থেকে ৬৫ বছর
Education: Diploma or Bachelor degree in Management, Logistics or coordination of projects
At least 3 years’ experience in the humanitarian field with at least 2 years’ experience as security and safety officer for INGO or UN
Non-military background
Strong experience in context analysis and networking
Excellent interpersonal and written communication skills, particularly as related to management and reporting tools
Good skills in mapping and tracking using Google Earth and GPS
Ability to work under pressure with a high level of personal organization and flexibility
Good communication and reporting skills
Commitment to humanitarian principles and to HI’s mandate
Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
Proactive, hardworking and discreet
Strong negotiating skills
English speaker and Cox’s bazar local language is a plus
Cox’s Bazar

Bdjobs.com Online Job Posting

অনলাইনে আবেদন
আপনার জীবনবৃত্তান্ত যেখানে পাঠাবেন [email protected] অথবা মাই বিডিজবসের মাধ্যমে পাঠাতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন
Interested candidates should send their Application Letter and CV (only soft copy) at: [email protected]. The deadline to receive the applications is 3 January 2018 until 12h A.M. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Please indicate ‘Security and Safety Manager’ in the subject line of the email.
Handicap International is an equal opportunity employer. Women and people with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply and they will be preferred in case of equal qualifications with other candidates.
Any sort of persuasion by person, phone, email or other means in this regard will automatically disqualify the candidate.
আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ : জানুয়ারী ৩, ২০১৮

পাঠকের মতামত

নানা সুবিধা দিয়ে চাকরি দেবে ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন,কর্মস্থল কক্সবাজারে

নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি দিয়েছে বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন বাংলাদেশ। প্রতিষ্ঠানটির বাংলাদেশ রিফিউজি ক্রাইসিস রেসপন্স বিভাগে ...

প্রাইমারি/এসএসসি পাসে চাকরির সুযোগ দিচ্ছে ব্র্যাক, কর্ম এলাকা রোহিঙ্গা ক্যাম্প

বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ব্র্যাকে ‘টেকনিক্যাল অ্যাসিস্ট্যান্ট’ পদে জনবল নিয়োগ দেওয়া হবে। আগ্রহীরা আগামী ২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ...

রিফিউজি ক্রাইসিস রেসপন্সে নিয়োগ দিচ্ছে ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশনে

বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন বাংলাদেশ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে। সংস্থাটি বাংলাদেশ রিফিউজি ক্রাইসিস রেসপন্স ...

ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশনে চাকরি, সাপ্তাহিক ছুটি ২দিন,কর্মস্থল: কক্সবাজার 

বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন বাংলাদেশ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে। সংস্থাটি প্রকল্প সহকারী পদে জনবল ...