প্রকাশিত: ১৮/০৪/২০১৯ ৭:২৪ এএম , আপডেট: ১৮/০৪/২০১৯ ৯:৩৬ এএম
Nurse Team Leader Nutrition and Health
Action Contre la Faim (ACF)

job Summary
Vacancy: 01
Job Nature: Contractual
Age: Any
Experience: At least 2 year(s)
Gender: Both
Job Location: Ukhia, Cox’s Bazar
Salary Range: 71,000
Published: Apr 17, 2019
Deadline: Apr 24, 2019
Job Context
Support and supervise the SC/SAM centres and/or IYCF corner to improve the treatment of patients
Specific Work Location: Balukhali SC
Male are encouraged to apply
Job Description / Responsibility
Objective 1: Team management

Participate in the recruitment of staff.
Draw up a planning of the work involved for each subordinate post.
Organize regularly evaluation meetings of team members.
Organize training courses for Nurses, Health Educators, Measurer and Registrar to enhance the quality of anthropometric measurement and ensuring the treatment protocol.
Organize regular meetings with the team and report the outcome to the head of the programme.
Keep an updated register of the staff (absences, overtime).
Supervise the daily and monthly reports of the team.
Objective 2: Supervise the admissions of beneficiaries with severe acute malnutrition
Insure the warm welcoming to the caregivers and beneficiaries.
Identify patients in the major risk and refer to inpatient care.
Identify patients that need admission rapidly with an abbreviation history and examination after formal admission and the start of treatment.
Ensure the quality of anthropometric measurement of the children (height, weight, MUAC, checking bilateral edema and W/H percentage).
Ensure of the registration of all the beneficiaries in the nutrition center (registration book ID number, medical and nutrition treatment sheets, follow up card ID number, bracelet with ID number).
Implement and follow up the systematic treatment according to the protocols (Vit A, folic acid, de-worming, antibiotics, and vaccinations).
Follow up and implement of the medical treatment for severe acute malnourished children in the SC.
Will maintain a coordination with the MHCP staff at Centre for mental health care services for the caregivers and cognitive development of admitted SAM/IYCF children
Organize mobile team for the makeshift site and provide therapeutic treatment and referral to IPD/ SC of nearest clinic.
Objective 3: Supervise and follow up the treatment phases in the SC center
Supervise medical and nutritional treatment procedures in the SC.
Supervise the calculation, preparation, distribution and monitoring of RUTF according to the standard protocols for the beneficiaries.
Follow up with outreach assistant project officer of the anthropometric measurements taken or referred by Community nutrition volunteer (CNV) from Makeshift/Camp site.
Ensure that the systematic treatment and drugs given correctly to the beneficiaries.
Refer the SAM/ MAM children with medical complications after completion of treatment to nearest OTP according to the protocols and ensure the success referral system.
Ensure the record of admitted beneficiary information in the registration book; follow up cards for each beneficiary.
Follow up of the gain weight/ MUAC measurement and feedback to the caregivers by registrar / health educator/ herself.
Follow up of the hygiene and sanitation situation in the center and during treatment follow up.
Supervise of receiving the referred SAM child from TSFP/OTP/SC and ensure their admission and treatment.
Objective 4: Stock management of Drugs and therapeutic feeding products
Supervise daily record/tally on utilization of each medicine and therapeutic feeding product used in SC.
Prepare weekly/monthly utilization, requisition and stock report for therapeutic and supplementary feeding products and medicines used in SC.
Follow up the utilization and expiry information of all therapeutic feeding product and medicines at regular basis and inform DPM/ PM for appropriate action required.
Objective 5: IYCF counselling and other IYCF related services for the caregivers of 0-23montsh children in the SC
Ensure the regular enrollment of caregivers for 0-23months children in IYCF corner.
Maintain rapid and full assessment of IYCF
Observe the mother’s/caregiver’s attachment, position and bonding during the breastfeeding.
Encouragement of breastfeeding and initiate supplementary Suckling technique (SST) for appropriate infants and advised caregiver/ PLWs to attend the health education session at breast feeding corner.
Clinical assessment of breastfeeding difficulties of mothers.
Ensure the need based counselling session and Follow up the change of improvements.
Ensure of the registration of all the beneficiaries (registration book ID number, IYCF card with ID number and other related documents)
Objective 6: Compile the reporting and statistic of the all types of activities in SC center
Keep record of all the beneficiaries screened admitted, discharged, and referred (In/Out) at the SC center (admission, cured, defaulters, death, transfer and referral) by age group and admission criterion used on daily/weekly basis.
Rerecord the absence, CNR of the beneficiaries and giving list to the MHCP colleagues and nutrition outreach supervisor for home visiting and follow up.
Keep record the new, follow up beneficiaries’ IYCF counseling information, admission, transfer, referral, and discharged by age group.
Collection and compilation of the daily, weekly and monthly statistical report.
Objective 7: Proactively support Action Against Hunger’s commitments to gender equality, child protection and disability sensitivity
Read and ensure a full understanding of Action Against Hunger’s Gender Minimum Standards & Child Protection Policies, asking questions and/or for support when necessary
Implement all work related activities with a gender, disability and child protection lens, taking into account the different needs, concerns and ideas of our staff and beneficiaries
Ensure the incorporation of gender equity principles in all policies and activities
Encourage the participation of all genders in meeting and on committees
Help build an inclusive office environment where people do not feel disadvantaged or judged according to their gender or limited due to manageable disability.
Job Nature

Educational Requirements
Masters/Higher degree in Health Science (Public Health, Hospital Management, Clinical Social Work, Gerontology etc.) with Bachelor Degree in Nursing and Midwifery from government recognized institutions preferable from government nursing institutes.
Must registered from Bangladesh nursing council and able to work with government hospital system.
Experience Requirements
At least 2 year(s)

Job Requirements
Minimum 6 months internship from medical college hospital/Govt. recognized hospital.
At least 2 year experience (excluding internship) work in the hospital or/and on the similar positions
Work experience in the field of Severe Acute Malnutrition or pediatric unit
Experience in team management
Good relations with other people and Good communication skills
Hard working
Ability to work in a team
Clear and understandable hand writing
Good communication and organisation skills
Good relations with other people
Strong flexibility is required in terms of mobility and working hours
Written and verbal communication skill- Advanced level of Bangla, Intermediate level of English.
Gender: Both
Age: Any
Job Location
Cox’s Bazar

Salary Range

Other Benefits
Festival Bonus: 1 month Gross salary every year.
Provident Fund – 7.5% of Basic Salary.
Performance Bonus – from 30 % to 80% of monthly Gross salary per year vary from performance;
End of Contract Benefits – As per policy.
Medical coverage: 80% hospitalization coverage medical expenses (max limit BDT 120,000 per year).
18 days of paid annual leaves per year.
10 days of paid casual leaves per year.
14 days of paid sick leaves per year.
Training:Free and unlimited access to the certifying e-learning platform Crossknowledge ©.
Job Source
jagojobs.com Online Job Posting

Apply Instructions
Apply here

Application Deadline : Apr 24, 2019

পাঠকের মতামত

নানা সুবিধা দিয়ে চাকরি দেবে ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন,কর্মস্থল কক্সবাজারে

নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি দিয়েছে বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন বাংলাদেশ। প্রতিষ্ঠানটির বাংলাদেশ রিফিউজি ক্রাইসিস রেসপন্স বিভাগে ...

প্রাইমারি/এসএসসি পাসে চাকরির সুযোগ দিচ্ছে ব্র্যাক, কর্ম এলাকা রোহিঙ্গা ক্যাম্প

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রিফিউজি ক্রাইসিস রেসপন্সে নিয়োগ দিচ্ছে ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশনে

বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন বাংলাদেশ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে। সংস্থাটি বাংলাদেশ রিফিউজি ক্রাইসিস রেসপন্স ...

ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশনে চাকরি, সাপ্তাহিক ছুটি ২দিন,কর্মস্থল: কক্সবাজার 

বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন বাংলাদেশ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে। সংস্থাটি প্রকল্প সহকারী পদে জনবল ...