প্রকাশিত: ০৩/০৭/২০১৯ ৮:৩৮ এএম

Logistics Officer – Supply Support  পদে জনবল নিয়োগের জন্য ACF বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে। আগ্রহী প্রার্থীরা আগামী  ৪ জুলাই পর্যন্ত আবেদন করতে পারবেন। 

কী সেলিং পয়েন্ট
Purchase and Supply Chain Management of AAH and Partners.
খালি পদ

চাকরির দায়িত্বসমূহ
Objective 1: Prepare the procurement process. The supply support is responsible for:
Gathering all documentation required in relation to the procurement requests/quotations received
Making sure the information on the documentation is clear and that he understands it
Under the supervision of his line manager, updates the Procurement Follow up (PFU)
Collects and ensures the necessary information and documentation in order to prepare the purchase (PR / Quotation Request, Technical specifications, samples, designs, PFU, etc…)
Makes sure he fully understands the request
Objective 2: Consult the market using the required and appropriate procurement procedure (ACF/Donor). The supply support is responsible for:
Respecting and implementing ACF’s/Donors’ principles when consulting the market
Respecting and implementing ACF’s / Donors’ procurement procedures
Identifies the procurement procedure to apply, under the supervision of his line manager
Identifies the best suppliers to be consulted
Submits ACF’s requests to those suppliers
Collects the suppliers’ answers
Objective 3: Purchase, using the required procurement procedure as per ACF/Donor rules, in search of the best offer for ACF. The supply support is responsible for:
Participating in the selection of the supplier
Negotiating with the supplier
Managing the validity and the quality of the documents and obtaining the required validations to be able to procure
Selects the best suitable supplier, according to the pre-defined criteria or participates in the selection process under the supervision of his line manager
Negotiates with the selected suppliers to get the best possible offers for ACF
Prepares the internal documents required to do the procurement and submits them for required validations
Objective 4: Closes the procurement process. The supply support is responsible for:
Organizing the reception of the goods/works/services ordered
Checking and validating the supplier invoices
Filing and archiving the documentation related to the procurement as per ACF procedures
Organizes the reception of the purchase between the supplier and requester
Ensures transfer of responsibility with the internal consignee (requester/stock)
Collects, verifies and validates the invoices related to the procurement he/she has done
Archives and saves all documentation related to the procurement, as defined by ACF
Objective 5: Participates in the compilation/ production of information of the department. The supply support is responsible for:
Compiling and capitalizing the data regarding « suppliers » and «goods, works and services »
Participating in the elaboration of documents related to procurement
Compile and ensure accuracy of the reporting data for procurement
Updates the internal documents regarding suppliers (supplier list, supplier files, contract follow up, etc.)
Updates the internal documents regarding goods, works and services purchased (catalogue, price lists, technical specs, samples, etc.
Participates in the elaboration of internal coordination/ communication documentation (cash forecasts, etc…)
Compile the information necessary for reporting on procurement, as defined by the his supervisors
Objective 6 : Administration of Link (ACF Supply Chain Module Online System):
Follow up the procurement lines submitted by the concerned departments.
Check the technical specifications and relevant information of the procurement lines.
Assist Senior Logistics Manager for the validation of the checked lines with necessary coordination from the finance department.
Create Market, necessary procurement procedures in the system for SCM stage-2.
Closing the line in the system after the appropriate information confirmation from the concerned requester in the system (SCM stage-3)
Requesting and follow-up of the upper base lines from the base to capital and HQ (if needed)
Trouble shooting of the system errors in coordination with the technical line managers.
Train the users of link navigation.
Objective 7: Support partner’s’ procurement:
Follow-up the procurement process of the partners, when there are partner-based projects.
Guide and assist partners to have proper procurement processes in place to meet donor guidelines.
To standardize the procurement process of partners to reduce differences.
Objective 8: Proactively support ACFs commitments to gender quality, child protection and disability sensitivity:
Read and ensure a full understanding of ACFs Gender Minimum Standards & Child Protection Policies, asking questions and/or for support when necessary.
Implement all work related activities with a gender, disability and child protection lens, taking into account the different needs, concerns and ideas of our staff and beneficiaries.
Ensure the incorporation of gender equity principles in all policies and activities.
Encourage the participation of all genders in meeting and on committees
Help build an inclusive office environment where people do not feel disadvantaged or judged according to their gender or limited due to manageable disability.
Objective 9:
Additional Tasks delegated by the line Manager.
Provide support and when requested by the Logistics Manager.
Other tasks as delegated by Sr. Logistics manager.
Objective 10: Proactively support ACFs commitments to gender equality, child protection and disability sensitivity:
Read and ensure a full understanding of ACFs Gender Minimum Standards & Child Protection Policies, asking questions and/or for support when necessary;
Implement all work related activities with a gender, disability and child protection lens, taking into account the different needs, concerns and ideas of our staff and beneficiaries;
Ensure the incorporation of gender equity principles in all policies and activities;
Encourage the participation of all genders in meeting and on committees;
Help build an inclusive office environment where people do not feel disadvantaged or judged according to their gender or limited due to manageable disability.
চাকরির ধরন

শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Minimum Graduate Certificate in Business Studies Preferably Maters in Supply Chain Management with training on procurement and 3 years proven experience in supply chain management especially in procurement in INGO/NGO’s.
সর্বনিম্ন ৩ বছর
চাকরির প্রয়োজনীয় বিষয়সমূহ
Advanced computer skills especially in MS office application – Negotiating skills – Good organizing capacity – Hard working and ability to work under pressure – Excellent verbal and written communication skills in both English and Bangla.
General: Vehicle, Computer, Telephone, Supply Chain Management Skill.
Special: Programme Budgets; Action Against Hunger Kit Log.
Cox’s Bazar

টাকা. ৫৫০০০ (মাসিক )
কোম্পানীর সুযোগ সুবিধাদি
Festival Bonus: 1 month Gross salary every year;
Provident Fund: 7.5% of Basic Salary;
Performance Bonus: from 30 % to 80% of monthly Gross salary per year depending on performance;
End of Contract Benefits: up to 2 months’ Gross salary;
Medical coverage: 80% hospitalization coverage medical expenses (max limit BDT 120,000 per year);
18 days of paid annual leaves per year.
10 days of paid casual leaves per year.
14 days of paid sick leaves per year.
Free and unlimited access to the certifying e-learning platform Cross knowledge ©.
Participation to external training costs upon eligibility of the request.
আবেদনের পূর্বে পড়ুন
আবেদনকারীকে অবশ্যই জীবনবৃত্তান্তের সাথে ছবি পাঠাতে হবে
রিজিউমি গ্রহণের উপায়


অনলাইনে আবেদন

আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ: জুলাই ৪, ২০১৯

পাঠকের মতামত

নানা সুবিধা দিয়ে চাকরি দেবে ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন,কর্মস্থল কক্সবাজারে

নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি দিয়েছে বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন বাংলাদেশ। প্রতিষ্ঠানটির বাংলাদেশ রিফিউজি ক্রাইসিস রেসপন্স বিভাগে ...

প্রাইমারি/এসএসসি পাসে চাকরির সুযোগ দিচ্ছে ব্র্যাক, কর্ম এলাকা রোহিঙ্গা ক্যাম্প

বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ব্র্যাকে ‘টেকনিক্যাল অ্যাসিস্ট্যান্ট’ পদে জনবল নিয়োগ দেওয়া হবে। আগ্রহীরা আগামী ২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ...

রিফিউজি ক্রাইসিস রেসপন্সে নিয়োগ দিচ্ছে ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশনে

বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন বাংলাদেশ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে। সংস্থাটি বাংলাদেশ রিফিউজি ক্রাইসিস রেসপন্স ...

ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশনে চাকরি, সাপ্তাহিক ছুটি ২দিন,কর্মস্থল: কক্সবাজার 

বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন বাংলাদেশ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে। সংস্থাটি প্রকল্প সহকারী পদে জনবল ...