Bangladesh lost 0.732% of its GDP in last 20 years due to extreme weather events
Bangladesh has been ranked 6 among the top 10 worst affected countries in the report released by Bonn-based advocacy group Germanwatch.
The group came up with the findings after analysing weather related loss events from 1996 to 2015.
Between 1996 and 2015, an average of 679.05 people died from 185 climate events annually, the report says, adding that the country also lost 0.732% of its GDP.
According to the index, Honduras, Myanmar, and Haiti were the most afflicted by such disasters. The other countries in the top 10 list are Nicaragua, Philippines, Pakistan, Vietnam, Guatemala and Thailand.
“People all over the world have to face the reality of climate variability and in many parts of the world an increasing variability,” said the index.
“Between 1996 and 2015, more than 528,000 people died worldwide and losses of $3.08 trillion ((in Purchasing Power Parities) were incurred as a direct result of almost 11,000 extreme weather events,” the report added
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